The Impact of Banking Supervision on Financial Performance: A Study in a Model of Private Iraqi Banks


  • Al-farttoosi Samer Adel Abd


The global banking system has evolved over time, resulting in a heightened level of competition among banks, both domestically and internationally, which has posed a risk to the safety of these institutions. This has necessitated the establishment of a Committee for Banking Supervision, commonly referred to as the Basle Committee (IIBF, I. ,2023). This research seeks to assess and evaluate the effect of banking risk on financial performance metrics.

The study used two independent variables. The first is represents banking supervision as mandated by the Basle Committee, and includes a collection of indicators (Capital Risk Index, Credit Risk Index, Interest Rate Risk Index, Operational Risk Index, and Liquidity Risk Index). The second is includes financial performance, which is represented by a group of indicators. These include profitability, as well as other indicators related to liquidity such as the trading ratio and the quick liquidity ratio.

The key finding of the study is (statistics of statistically significant relationship between banking risk indicators and most financial performance indicators) where the statistical results suggest that the hypotheses have a significant impact on the majority of financial performance indicators. According to the research, banks should not over-estimate their capital adequacy in order to meet their bank’s goals and achieve the highest profit margins. The research also suggested that banks should use idle liquidity, which conflicts with the guidelines of the central bank and the Basel committee, to achieve the highest return on equity and maximize owners’ wealth.


