A new approach for Encryption using radix modular


  • Saad AbdualAzize abdual Rahman
  • Imad Matti Bakko
  • Sanaa Ahmed Kadhim


Cryptography, Transmission, Mathematical equations, additive, radix modular


Secure communication over open networks is a basic stone of
commercial transactions and government services. The continuity of
these fields and many others are only conceivable if security is ensured.
This paper produces a cryptography system that uses Arithmetic
Modules law and logical operations. Using three different modular
arithmetic modules increases the security of converting the decimal
number to six residue numbers and three modular. Operations like add
and Xor are used to generate a key. Each character in a plain text will
be converted using modular then encrypted to obtain a cipher text which
will be decrypted using L.H Gerner's law.


