Review: Network Intrusion Detection Systems for Attack Detection and Prevention


  • Mohammad K. Abdul-Hussein


Computer Network Attack (CNA), Network Intrusion Detection, Detection of Network Attacks


The use of the Internet has expanded well beyond its initial intended use and has become an essential component of both our personal and professional lives due to the fast growth of current information technology. However, the growth of computer networks has always gone hand in hand with the security of the network. The technology of Network attack detection has long been a crucial component of computer networks' network security. We need to implement operative solutions to the current issues and provide a harmless network situation for users to increase the security of computer networks. In-depth investigation and categorization for detecting network attacks are the focus of this paper. The topic of several issues caused by intruders and attackers is also covered. The report also provides a network security defense approach that can be useful to future scholars that are interested.


