التزامات الطبيب في عقد التطبيب عن بعد- دراسة مقارنة-
The telemedicine contract imposes on the doctor several obligations, in
accordance with the newly recognized scientific principles, as well as the
general obligations that the contract arranges as a contract of a special
nature. The obligations vary during the performance of the professional
duties and the practice of telemedicine.
The original obligation of the doctor is to take care of the patient, but there
are exceptional cases in which the doctor is obligated to achieve the
interest of the patient, especially in the telemedicine contract which
requires the doctor to observe the general duty to take precaution and
caution that he performs by taking care. There are other obligations require
the doctor to achieve a result which calls for determining the nature of the
medical obligations and the liability incurred when they are violated