التكامل االستراتيجي بين اإلنتاج الرشيق و الستة سيكما وتأثيرهما في تحقيق الميزة التنافسية/دراسة استطالعية في الشركة العامة للصناعات الكهربائية وااللكترونية


  • فائز غازي عبد اللطيف
  • امنة عبد الكريم مهدي
  • سرى صباح كيتب


The study dealt with Lean production and Six Sigma and
competitive advantage, as it concluded that there is a strong
correlation and impact in achieving strategic integration between
Lean production and Six Sigma and their impact on achieving
competitive advantage / General Company for Electrical and
Electronic Industries. As for the most important recommendation, it
is for the company to be interested in reducing the quantities of
stockpiles to the minimum possible and to be interested in improving
and developing all its operations in the company.

